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Protecting Your Rights After a Motor Vehicle Accident

Taking the Right Steps to Maximize Your Potential Recovery

Protecting Your Rights After a Motor Vehicle AccidentWhen you suffer any type of injury in a car, truck, or motorcycle accident, you have a right to take legal action to recover your losses. That includes any lost income resulting from your injuries, any medical expenses not covered by insurance, and any physical or mental pain or suffering caused by your injuries. You can also seek compensation for your inability to engage in activities you love (e.g., hobbies) because of your injuries, as well as your inability to have close and meaningful relationships with family members (loss of companionship or consortium).

The steps you take in the immediate aftermath of a motor vehicle accident, though, can make a big difference in your ability to recover compensation and how much you receive. Here are the most important things to do right after a crash:

  • Get the medical care you need —Before you do anything else, conduct a medical self-assessment. If you have injuries to your head, neck, or back, it’s best to wait until emergency responders arrive and defer to their expertise. Don’t risk further injury by trying to get up and move under your own power. Even if you can walk away from the accident, you should immediately seek treatment from a hospital emergency room, an urgent care facility, or your primary care physician. The longer you wait, the greater the risk of jeopardizing your claim.
  • Gather information —Don’t rely on police officers to gather necessary information about the parties to the accident or any witnesses. To the extent possible, get names and contact information for anyone involved in the accident and anyone who saw what happened. This will be tremendously beneficial to your attorney when you get ready to file a personal injury lawsuit.
  • Take pictures, if possible —You don’t need a fancy camera—your phone will do. Try to get pictures of anything potentially relevant to your claim, including all vehicle damage, your injuries, any roadway hazards or defects, and even weather conditions.
  • Hire an attorney as soon as possible —The sooner you hire legal counsel, the sooner you’ll have someone aggressively advocating for you. That can be critical when dealing with your insurance company. Your attorney will also ensure that critical evidence is preserved.

Contact the Law Offices of David J. Karbasian, PC

Send us an e-mail today or call us at 856-667-4666 / 856-600-HURT to schedule an appointment to discuss your personal injury claim. Evening and weekend consultations are available upon request. We can come to your home or the hospital to meet with you, if necessary.

Risk of Motor Vehicle Accidents Goes Up in Summer

A Number of Factors Contribute to Increase in Summer Auto Wrecks

Risk of Motor Vehicle Accidents Goes Up in SummerStatistics compiled by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) consistently show that the number of motor vehicle accidents rises nationwide in the summer months. Officials cite a number of reasons for the increase:

  • There are more young, inexperienced drivers on the roads —Studies show that one in every five motor vehicle accidents involves a driver under the age of 20. Younger drivers have less experience, are typically less familiar with the roads, and may not know exactly what their vehicle can do. They also tend to be more inclined to risky behaviors behind the wheel, such as joyriding, aggressive driving, and speeding.
  • There are more drivers on the roads overall, and many drivers are putting more miles on their vehicles —School’s out, so many of those younger drivers who were in school all day are now out and about. The weather’s nice, so people are more inclined to spend time outdoors, whether it’s going to the park or the beach or just out for a drive. In addition, it’s vacation time, so families are traveling more, typically traveling longer distances, and often traveling on unfamiliar roadways. When the number of total miles being driven goes up, the number of accidents increases as well.
  • Summer is the season for parties and picnics —Summer starts and ends with a holiday weekend. Whether it’s a cookout, a beach party, or a picnic, many of those gatherings involve the consumption of alcohol. It should come as no surprise, then, that the number of alcohol-related accidents also increases in the summer.

Contact the Law Offices of David J. Karbasian, PC

Send us an e-mail today or call us at 856-667-4666 / 856-600-HURT to schedule an appointment to discuss your personal accident injury claim. Evening and weekend consultations are available upon request. We can come to your home or the hospital to meet with you, if necessary.

The Differences Between Motorcycle Accident Injuries and Car Accident Injuries

How Do Typical Injuries Differ?

The Differences Between Motorcycle Accident Injuries and Car Accident InjuriesThere are tradeoffs with taking a motorcycle on the open road. There’s a sense of freedom that you’ll never get behind the wheel of a car, and there’s nothing like the feel of the wind in your face. But it comes with a potential cost, as there’s little to protect you if you get in an accident.

The Nature of the Injuries Suffered in a Motorcycle Accident

Over the past quarter of a century, extensive research and development has made automobile travel much safer. In addition to seatbelts and airbags, many automobiles now offer electronic stability control, anti-lock brakes, backup and side-view cameras, and even collision warning systems. Most of those features are simply not available on a motorcycle.

The bottom line is that most injuries suffered in auto accidents result from impact with the interior of the car or from the effects of whiplash. Most injuries suffered by bikers come from impact with the roadway or another vehicle.

Because of the lack of protection on a motorcycle, the injuries sustained in a motorcycle wreck tend to be far more serious. Bikers are more likely to suffer traumatic brain injury (TBI) than occupants of an automobile or truck. Road rash is a common consequence of a motorcycle accident, but virtually unheard of in an auto accident. Additionally, broken bones are far more common in motorcycle accidents.

The evidence suggests that, while a helmet will not provide absolute protection against a head injury, it can reduce the likelihood of a TBI. A study reported by the National Institute of Health found that, for unhelmeted motorcyclists under the age of 40, the most common injury is a TBI, accounting for almost 30% of all injuries. When bikers of that same age wore a helmet, the incidence of TBI was reduced to 20%, whereas the likelihood of lower extremity injury was 34%.

Contact the Law Offices of David J. Karbasian, PC

Send us an e-mail today or call us at 856-600-HURT to schedule an appointment to discuss your personal injury claim. Evening and weekend consultations are available upon request. We can come to your home or the hospital to meet with you, if necessary.

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