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Not Wearing a Helmet at the Time of a Motorcycle Accident?

Can You Still Recover Compensation for Your Losses in New Jersey?

Under New Jersey law, if you are operating a motorcycle on New Jersey roads or riding as a passenger on a bike, you must wear a properly fitting helmet approved for use by the federal Department of Transportation.Under New Jersey law, if you are operating a motorcycle on New Jersey roads or riding as a passenger on a bike, you must wear a properly fitting helmet approved for use by the federal Department of Transportation. The helmet must have either a neck or chin strap and must have reflective tape or similar markings on both sides. What if you’re out on the road without a helmet and you’re hurt in an accident caused entirely by the wrongful act of another motorist? Will you be prohibited from seeking compensation for your losses because you weren’t wearing a helmet?

How the Failure to Wear a Helmet Affects a Motorcycle Accident Injury Claim in New Jersey

Though you can always file a personal injury claim against another person who intentionally caused you harm, as a practical matter, most personal injury claims in New Jersey are based on allegations of negligence. To establish negligence, you need to prove that:

  • The defendant (person from whom you seek compensation) failed to act reasonably;
  • The defendants failure to act reasonably caused an accident; and
  • You suffered actual losses (injuries, etc.) as a result of the accident.

The fact that you were not wearing a helmet will not automatically disqualify you from seeking and recovering damages. Instead, the jury will attempt to determine what caused the accident—was it the wrongful act of the defendant or was it some type of carelessness or negligence on your part. While the fact that you were not wearing a helmet may have contributed to the severity of your injuries, it did not actually cause the crash or your injuries. The jury may conclude, though, that your injuries would not have been as severe if you had been wearing a helmet. Accordingly, if they determine that the accident itself was caused by the defendant’s negligence or carelessness, they will likely rule in your favor. However, if they determine that your injuries would not have been as severe if you had been wearing a helmet, they may reduce your damage award.

Contact the Law Offices of David J. Karbasian, PC

Send us an e-mail today or call us at 856-667-4666 / 856-600-HURT to schedule an appointment to discuss your personal accident injury claim. Evening and weekend consultations are available upon request. We can come to your home or the hospital to meet with you, if necessary.

The Potentially Responsible Parties in a Motorcycle Accident

How Do You Know If You Can Sue Someone for Your Losses?

The Potentially Responsible Parties in a Motorcycle AccidentWhen you think about motor vehicle accidents, there’s a tendency to assume that there must be two drivers involved, that you have to show that another motorist caused a collision that led to your injuries. That’s not necessarily the case. Let’s take a closer look at how liability is determined in any motor vehicle accident, including a motorcycle crash.

The Basis for Liability in a Motorcycle Accident

Though you can always seek compensation from someone who intentionally harms you, as a practical matter most personal injury claims, including most motorcycle accident lawsuits, are based on the legal concept of negligence. Negligence is essentially a failure to act reasonably under the circumstances. Negligence is a centuries-old legal principle that holds that all people in society, in all their actions, must employ the standard of care that a reasonable person would. That applies to people operating a motor vehicle.

When Can You Recover Monetary Compensation from Someone with Whom There Was No Impact?

If a person’s actions were unreasonable and if those actions caused or contributed to an accident where you suffered losses, you can seek damages from that person. There are a number of situations where a person’s carelessness may cause a motorcycle accident without any impact with your bike:

  • A person serves alcohol to someone, who, in an inebriated state, causes you injury in a motorcycle accident
  • A person fails to secure materials or debris on a truck or other motor vehicle, and they fall off into your pathway, causing an accident
  • A municipality or municipal worker fails to properly maintain the roadway, leading to potholes, excessive gravel or water, broken or missing signs
  • Another motorist disobeys traffic laws, veering into your path or coming too close to your bike, causing you to take evasive action and lose control
  • A person fails to use reasonable care to design or manufacture vehicle components, either on your vehicle or some other vehicle,

Contact the Law Offices of David J. Karbasian, PC

Send us an e-mail today or call us at 856-667-4666 / 856-600-HURT to schedule an appointment to discuss your personal injury claim. Evening and weekend consultations are available upon request. We can come to your home or the hospital to meet with you, if necessary.

Injured in a Motorcycle Accident Caused by Debris in the Road?

What Are Your Options for Recovering Compensation?

Injured in a Motorcycle Accident Caused by Debris in the Road?When you’re on a motorcycle, any type of debris in the roadway, from trash or construction materials that have fallen off a truck to a muffler or chunk of tire, can be treacherous. You may need to brake suddenly or take evasive action, which can cause you to lose control of your bike and put you at risk of serious injury. What are your options, if you’ve been in an accident caused by roadway debris, of recovering any compensation for your losses?

Can You Determine Where the Debris Came From?

If you can, you can always bring a lawsuit against the person who caused the debris to obstruct your path. Anyone who takes a car or truck on the road must use reasonable care to ensure that his or her actions don’t cause injury to others. If another motorist failed to secure a load or otherwise carelessly caused debris to fall into the roadway, that motorist can be held liable. The challenge, of course, is knowing who that person was and how to contact them. If you saw the debris fall in the roadway, or if there were witnesses, you may be able to find the driver.

When You Can’t Identify Where the Debris Came From?

Even if you can’t determine how the object came to be in the road, you may still be able to seek damages for your losses. A common approach is to pursue compensation through your own insurance company. However, you’ll need to have coverage for uninsured/underinsured motorists. That’s available in New Jersey, but typically as a rider to your policy with an additional premium. Hire an experienced personal injury attorney who knows understands the language of auto insurance policies, who can look at yours and determine whether you have any coverage.

Contact the Law Offices of David J. Karbasian, PC

Send us an e-mail today or call us at 856-667-4666 / 856-600-HURT to schedule an appointment to discuss your personal accident injury claim. Evening and weekend consultations are available upon request. We can come to your home or the hospital to meet with you, if necessary

Injured in New Jersey When Your Motorcycle Broke Down?

Can You Recover Damages for Defective Parts or Negligent Repair?

Injured in New Jersey When Your Motorcycle Broke Down?When you’re involved in a collision with another vehicle while riding your bike, you can bring a lawsuit against the other motorist, provided you can show that he or she acted carelessly or negligently, causing the accident and your injuries. But what are your rights when your motorcycle breaks down, causing you to lose control? There’s no other motorist to blame for your losses. What are your options?

Product Liability Claims for Defective or Dangerous Parts

If your bike broke down because of a poorly designed or manufactured component, such as the brakes, a tire or the steering mechanism, you may be able to file what is commonly referred to as a “product liability” claim. There are typically three types of product liability claims, ones based on:

  • Negligent design—Carelessness in the design of a product
  • Negligent manufacture—Lack of care in the fabrication, construction, assembly or manufacture of the bike or one of its component parts, including the use of substandard materials
  • Negligent marketing—Failure to warn of known dangers associated with a product

In a product liability claim, you may typically bring in any party in the chain of distribution, from the designer to the retailer.

Negligence Claims for Careless Maintenance or Repair

If the failure of a mechanic or garage to properly maintain or repair your motorcycle caused the accident, you can bring a lawsuit based on negligence. To succeed, you will need to show that the garage or mechanic failed to act as a reasonable person would, that the failure to do so caused the accident, and that you suffered actual losses as a result of the accident.

The Potential for Comparative Negligence

Under the comparative negligence principles in New Jersey, you may be partially responsible for your losses if it can be shown that you were partially at fault. For example, if you failed to maintain your bike, you could be held somewhat liable. With New Jersey’s modified comparative negligence, the defendant would need to show that you were more than 50% responsible to prevent you from recovering something for your losses.

Contact the Law Offices of David J. Karbasian, PC

Send us an e-mail today or call us at 856-667-4666 / 856-600-HURT to schedule an appointment to discuss your personal accident injury claim. Evening and weekend consultations are available upon request. We can come to your home or the hospital to meet with you, if necessary.

Can a Parent Be Held Responsible for Injuries Caused by His or Her Child?

Is There Parental Liability in New Jersey for the Negligence of a Minor Child?

Can a Parent Be Held Responsible for Injuries Caused by His or Her ChildYour child now has a drivers’ license and occasional use of the family car. While out driving, he or she causes a motor vehicle accident, resulting in injuries to another person. Can your child be held legally responsible in a personal injury lawsuit? Can you be held liable for the negligence of your minor child?

Can a Minor Be Held Responsible for Personal Injury in New Jersey?

Under prevailing New Jersey law, certain minors have a duty to “act with the same amount of care as children of similar age, judgment and experience.” As a general rule, children under the age of 7 are presumed in New Jersey to be unable to engage in negligence. If, however, a jury determines that a minor had the ability to understand the consequences of his or her actions and had received proper training to minimize the risk of injury, the minor may be held liable for negligence. As a practical matter, though, a minor child will typically lack the resources to satisfy a personal injury judgment. Accordingly, the injured party will typically look to either the parents of the minor child or the parents’ insurance company.

Can the Parents’ Insurer Be Held Liable?

As a general rule, if the parent lists the minor child as a potential driver of the vehicle, the insurance company will be required to pay any claims related to accidents caused by the minor child.

Can a Parent Be Sued for the Negligence of a Minor Child in a Motor Vehicle Accident in New Jersey?

As a general rule, a parent will only be held liable for accidents caused by a minor child if it can be shown that the parent’s negligence caused or contributed to causing the accident. For example, if the parent allowed the child to drive the family car, knowing that child was an unskilled, inexperienced or poor driver, that may be sufficient basis to establish negligence or carelessness.

Contact the Law Offices of David J. Karbasian, PC

Send as an e-mail today or call us at 856-667-4666 / 856-600-HURT to schedule an appointment to discuss your personal injury claim. Evening and weekend consultations are available upon request. We can come to your home or the hospital to meet with you, if necessary.

What Is Loss of Enjoyment of Life in a New Jersey Personal Injury Lawsuit?

What Losses Does It Cover? How Are Damages Calculated?

What Is Loss of Enjoyment of Life in a New Jersey Personal Injury Lawsuit?In the aftermath of any personal injury, you may find it difficult or impossible to do some or many of the things that you loved doing before the accident. You may find it challenging to complete many of the most basic tasks required in everyday life, such as personal grooming, playing sports, or engaging in a beloved hobby. You have a right to seek full and fair compensation for the changes that have come to your life because of the carelessness or negligence of another person. These types of damages are commonly referred to as “loss of enjoyment of life.”

How Does the Law Define “Loss of Enjoyment of Life”?

There are two specific ways that “loss of enjoyment of life” can be construed in New Jersey. Most commonly, the term refers to your loss of the ability to engage in or pursue those activities that previously brought you joy, pleasure or fulfillment. For example, you may have been a passionate club-level tennis player before a car accident, but find that you can’t play the game you love anymore because of pain or physical limitations resulting from a motor vehicle accident.

Loss of enjoyment of life can also describe the impact of your inability to engage in the ordinary acts of daily life. You may suffer some level of paralysis or some other permanent injury that makes it difficult for you to move about under your own power, requiring a wheelchair or other device. As a consequence, you may find it too difficult to simply go outside and enjoy some fresh air.

How Are Damages for Loss of Enjoyment of Life Calculated?

There are no objective measures by which these damages can be determined (like you would have with lost wages or unpaid medical bills). These are what are commonly referred to as “non-economic damages.” The jury will still ultimately decide how much you should receive for your losses, employing one of a variety of methods:

  • The multiplier approach—Under this method, the jury will calculate all economic damages (lost wages and unreimbursed medical expenses) and multiply that number by some factor, usually between 1 and 5. The factor used will commonly be based on the severity of your injuries, as well as the degree of culpability of the defendant.
  • The determination of a “reasonable” amount—The judge may instruct the jury to identify a “reasonable” amount of damages, based on the unique circumstances of the case

Contact the Law Offices of David J. Karbasian, PC

Send as an e-mail today or call us at 856-667-4666 / 856-600-HURT to schedule an appointment to discuss your personal injury claim. Evening and weekend consultations are available upon request. We can come to your home or the hospital to meet with you, if necessary.

What Is Loss of Companionship or Consortium in New Jersey?

What Do These Damages Cover? How Are They Calculated?

What Is Loss of Companionship or Consortium in New Jersey?When you’ve suffered any type of personal injury, some of your losses will be easy to identify and calculate—lost wages and unreimbursed medical expenses are typically pretty clear cut. You have a right, though, to full and fair compensation of other types of loss, including damages of loss of consortium. How is loss of consortium defined in New Jersey and how are the losses associated with it calculated?

What Is Loss of Consortium in a Personal Injury Claim?

Loss of consortium is not, in and of itself, a definable physical injury. Instead, it is characterized by a loss of the ability to maintain common physical relations with a spouse because of an injury. For example, if a spouse suffers some level of paralysis as a consequence of a motor vehicle accident or slip and fall and is no longer able to engage in physical or sexual intimacy, that would be the basis for loss of consortium claim.

Is Loss of Consortium the Same Thing as “Loss of Companionship”?

Not exactly. The loss of companionship is a broader claim, which can include loss of comfort, camaraderie, emotional or psychological support or even household services. While a spouse may seek compensation for loss of companionship, other family members may as well. Loss of consortium refers very specifically to the loss of sexual intimacy. A claim for loss of consortium may only be filed by a spouse, though either spouse may claim loss of consortium in a personal injury lawsuit. For example, a surviving spouse may claim loss of consortium as part of a wrongful death action.

How Are Damages Calculated for Loss of Consortium?

Loss of consortium is considered to be a form of “non-economic” damages, which are typically subjective and difficult to determine with any precision. The jury will ultimately calculate the full amount of damages, usually by looking at the severity of the injury, the nature of the injured party’s marital sexual relationship before the accident, and the impact the injury will have on continued physical intimacy.

Contact the Law Offices of David J. Karbasian, PC

Send as an e-mail today or call as at 856-667-4666 / 856-600-HURT to schedule an appointment to discuss your personal accident injury claim. Evening and weekend consultations are available upon request. We can come to your home or the hospital to meet with you, if necessary.

Calculating Pain and Suffering in a Personal Injury Lawsuit

Who Determines the Amount of Your Recovery? How Are Damages Calculated?

Calculating Pain and Suffering in a Personal Injury LawsuitWhen you’ve been hurt in any type of an accident, as a result of someone else’s careless or negligent act, you have a right to seek full and fair compensation for all your losses. That typically includes what are commonly referred to as “economic losses,” such as lost wages, unreimbursed medical expenses, and damaged or destroyed personal property. These types of losses are, for the most part, easy to calculate, typically based on wage statements, repair estimates or medical bills. There are, however, other damages potentially available in a personal injury claim, losses that are significantly more uncertain and more difficult to calculate. Known as “non-economic” damages, these losses include pain and suffering, loss of companionship or consortium, and loss of enjoyment of life.

What Is Pain and Suffering?

Pain and suffering is a legal term used to describe any type of mental, emotional or physical discomfort experienced as a consequence of another person’s wrongful act. Pain and suffering includes any immediate trauma, soreness, aching, spasms, itching, twitching, throbbing or other physical manifestations of discomfort. It can also include fear, anxiety, stress, depression, anger and a host of other psychological, mental or emotional responses.

How Is Pain and Suffering Calculated in a Personal Injury Lawsuit?

While pain and suffering has tangible consequences, it is often difficult to treat with procedures or medications whose costs can easily be established. In addition, damages for pain and suffering also typically include compensation for the inability to engage in certain activities because of the pain. Accordingly, pain and suffering can rarely, if ever, be calculated by any tangible means. As a consequence, courts have taken a couple of different approaches to the calculation of compensation for pain and suffering:

  • The use of a multiplier—Many courts will ask the jury to first determine the economic, or tangible, losses and then apply a “multiplier” to calculate non-economic damages. For example, the jury may determine that the injured party had $500,000 in lost wages and another $500,000 in unpaid medical expenses. Using a factor of 1.5, the jury would multiply the total economic damage award ($1,000,000) by the factor and assess non-economic damages at $1,500,000.
  • The calculation of a “reasonable amount” for pain and suffering—Other courts instruct jurors to calculate a reasonable amount for non-economic damages, based on the severity of the injuries and the culpability of the defendant.

Contact the Law Offices of David J. Karbasian, PC

Send us an e-mail today or call us at 856-667-4666 / 856-600-HURT to schedule an appointment to discuss your personal injury claim. Evening and weekend consultations are available upon request. We can come to your home or the hospital to meet with you, if necessary.

Motorcycle Safety in New Jersey Winters

Staying Safe While Staying on Your Bike in Snowy and Icy Weather

Motorcycle Safety in New Jersey WintersIt takes a hardy soul to travel by motorcycle in New Jersey in the winter. But that comes natural for most people who love to ride a motorcycle. You’re not about to let a cold wind keep you off the roads. You do, however, want to take some extra precautions to minimize the risk of injury when motoring on snow and/or ice.

  • Winterize your bike—Just a few minor modifications can greatly improve your safety. Make certain you have a good-sized windscreen, something that will keep the snow out of your eyes. Good hand guards can also keep the polar winds off your hands. The hoses on your bike can take a beating in cold weather, so check them before you head out. Always check your tires—the rubber can get really hard in cold temps, providing less traction. In addition, the cold weather will lead to a loss of tire pressure.
  • Wear the proper gear—Remember the rhyme—ears, nose, fingers, and toes. Those are the body parts most susceptible to cold (and potentially to frostbite). Make certain you have good gloves and boots, and that your helmet protects your nose and ears. Layering is the best way to stay warm, and make certain your gear is waterproof.
  • Give yourself more room—You’ll typically need more distance to come to a complete stop. In addition, when you’re turning a corner, don’t take it as tightly as you would at other times of the year.
  • Pay closer attention—Some of the hazards in the winter can be virtually invisible—take black ice, for example. It’s commonly caused when the exhaust from other vehicles freezes upon contact with cold pavement. It’s microscopically thin, but can take you down in an instant.
  • Stay home if conditions warrant—There are times when even the most intrepid soul should stay home. Heavy snow or freezing rain/sleet will almost always be dangerous when you’re on a motorcycle.

Contact the Law Offices of David J. Karbasian, PC

Send us an e-mail today or call us at 856-667-4666 / 856-600-HURT to schedule an appointment to discuss your motor vehicle accident injury claim. Evening and weekend consultations are available upon request. We can come to your home or the hospital to meet with you, if necessary.

What Types of Evidence Are Commonly Used in Motor Vehicle Accident Lawsuits?

How Is Fault Typically Established in a Car Accident Claim?

What Types of Evidence Are Commonly Used in Motor Vehicle Accident Lawsuits?When you’ve been injured in a motor vehicle accident, you have a right to seek full and fair compensation for all your losses. To successfully recover damages, you must introduce evidence to convince the jury that the defendant’s carelessness or negligence caused your injury. What are the common types of evidence used to prove such an allegation?

The Different Types of Evidence in Auto Accident Cases

There are generally four important types of evidence commonly introduced in a motor vehicle accident lawsuit:

  • Evidence gathered at the scene and time of the accident, primarily related to the cause of the accident
  • Evidence gathered at the scene, but after the accident,
  • Evidence of physical injuries sustained, typically gathered in the days, weeks, months and even years following the accident
  • Evidence of any other losses, from property damage to loss of enjoyment of life or loss of companionship or consortium

The Types of Evidence Obtained at the Scene of the Accident

The evidence collected at the scene and in the immediate aftermath of the crash can include such basic things as name and contact information for all parties to the accident, as well as any eyewitnesses. You can also get pictures of your injuries, damage to vehicles, weather conditions or roadway defects.

Evidence can still be gathered after the accident is cleaned up, though. Experts may come in and measure skid marks as a part of accident reconstruction. Roadway defects, such as broken signs or negligent roadway design, can also be determined after the accident.

Evidence about Your Physical Injuries

Most evidence related to your physical injuries will come from medical professionals. You will likely introduce evidence from your doctors, but the defendant may also ask that you submit to a physical examination. Medical experts may be called upon to testify regarding the long-term prospects for care and recovery.

Evidence about Other Types of Losses

Property damage is typically established through pictures, repair bills or costs of replacement of lost items. Loss of enjoyment of life or loss of companionship/consortium may come through your own personal testimony or from the testimony of others.

Contact the Law Offices of David J. Karbasian, PC

Send us an e-mail today or call us at 856-667-4666 / 856-600-HURT to schedule an appointment to discuss your personal injury claim. Evening and weekend consultations are available upon request. We can come to your home or the hospital to meet with you, if necessary.

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